Mirror Ball, 2022–ongoing, stop motion, video, color/sound, 7:47 min, dimensions variable
These are stills from “Mirror Ball,” an experimental plein air stop motion animation filmed in the dunes of Provincetown, MA. The video features a cast of characters that respond to the terrain across a series of improvised, site-specific choreographies.
Mirror Ball, 2022–ongoing, stop motion, video, color/sound, 7:47 min, dimensions variable
with musical elements by Emily Wells; voice by Katie Austra Stelmanis; sounds by Bad Whale (Vicky Tomayko, Dawn Zimiles, Sara Stern); theremin by Sara Stern; selections from Sam Sewell's sound design for Stern's 2022 performance “Mirror Ball (A Rehearsal in the Dunes)”; Sound Mix by Quentin Chiappetta