SET IN STONE (a workshop)

“SET IN STONE (a workshop),” 2022, live performance with 3-channel projection, live feed, supertitles, marble. Performance view from the Object Movement Festival at The Center at West Park, New York, NY.
These images document a workshop for my multimedia opera about marble and glass architecture. The project stars two shape-shifting characters, “Marble Man” and “Glass Girl,” who emerge out of marble and glass facades debating their architectural uses and battling over transparency in architecture and politics.
This 4:31 min excerpt of the live performance workshop alternates between a live feed camera recording and a wide audience view of a series of vignettes.
In this scene, "Marble Man" inhabits the voices of several Supreme Court justices as they argue the 2015 case Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized gay marriage.
Directed by Sara Stern
Performed by Emily Batsford, Amy Liou, Sara Stern, Tyler Quick, Laurie Berenhaus, Julia Rooney
Assistant Director, Madison Hansen
Voices by Sara Stern and Emily Batsford
Projection Design, Chris Carcione
Sound Design by Sara Stern, with Composition by Justin Wong
Lighting Consultant, Masha Tsimring
Festival Stage Manager, Amanda Kettel
Festival Lighting Designer, Joe Bilello